The present invention inoculate lactic acid bacteria by inoculating lactic acid bacteria with onions, onions, saengcho and chaga mushrooms with oligosaccharides, fermented primarily with citric acid, and fermented after secondary fermentation to produce fermented liquor-containing fermented liquor. It relates to a seaweed fermented essence and a method for producing the same, characterized in that the production of the essence easyBetween 6-August, the water content 88-92% of the seaweed is collected and washed 2-3 times with drinking water, and the screening process to remove the soil and debris and to prepare onions, eoseongcho, chaga, oligosaccharides; Selected seaweed, onion, fish vinegar, and chaga mushroom are mixed with oligosaccharide and put into a container and poured purified water to maintain the temperature range of 18-22 ℃ and fermented for 7-10 days.The mixed amount is 60-65 wt% of onion, 15 ~ 12 onions First fermentation process by inoculating lactic acid bacteria in the weight%, 12-15% by weight, Chaga mushroom 2-4%, oligosaccharide 3-5% by weight; Secondary fermentation is carried out with 25 to 30 days of fermentation by mixing 2,6% by weight of citric acid after mixing with the juice of onion, onion, fish vinegar and chaga mushroom in the primary fermentation process with a juicer. Process; A maturing process of maturing 15-20 days of the fermentation broth obtained in the first and second fermentation processes; The fermentation broth aged in the aging process is characterized by consisting of the purification and sterilization process of the fermentation broth sterilized after filtration to 300 mesh or more.Hamcho, essence, manufacturing method본 발명은 함초와 양파, 어성초, 차가버섯을 올리고당으로 버무려 유산균을 접종하여 1차적으로 발효시키고, 구연산을 투입하여 2차 발효시킨 후 숙성하여 함초 함유 발효 진액을 제조토록 하며, 이에 따라 함초 함유 발효 진액의 제조가 용이하게 하는 것을 특징으로 하는 함초 발효 진액 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로,6 - 8월 사이 수분함량 88 - 92%의 함초를 채취하여 2 - 3회 식수로 세척하고, 뻘과 이물질을 제거하여 선별하는 함초 선별 및 양파, 어성초, 차가버섯, 올리고당 준비 과정과; 선별한 함초와 양파, 어성초, 차가버섯을 올리고