Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. A.N. Kosygina (Tekhnologii. Dizajn. Iskusstvo)"
Petrosova Irina Aleksandrovna (RU),Петросова Ирина Александровна (RU),Andreeva Elena Georgievna (RU),Андреева Елена Георгиевна (RU),Guseva Marina Anatolevna (RU),Гусева Марина Анатольевна (RU),Belgoro
FIELD: meeting human vital needs; data processing.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to orientation systems and can be used in orientation systems for blind and visually impaired people. Method for orientation in space of people with impaired visual functions using a cane with a touch screen-shell is that a stick is mounted in a reading device, which in continuous mode reads information on the surrounding space and transmits the image stream simultaneously to the pattern recognition system and the microcontroller, where the images are transformed into a monochrome view, removing small objects not obstructing movement of the person, and noise, and the image is converted into a more contrast, tactile signals are formed and the contrast image is transmitted to the human skin surface using a touch screen made in the form of a cane handle shell, the contrast ratio is adjusted by the blind person using the control elements mounted in the handle, simultaneously, the image stream is transmitted to the pattern recognition system, the pattern recognition system containing the surrounding objects database is downloaded via GPS over the Internet and/or by pre-loading and in a stream image recognizes, identifies surrounding space objects coinciding with database objects, information on recognized objects is transmitted in the form of tactile signals to the human skin surface with braille code and/or symbols. Walking cane with a touch screen-shell, consisting of a tube and located in the upper part of the handle, with a tactile shield-shell, in which are mounted connected to each other video camera, installed on the handle cane end, with infrared mode of operation and directed along the motion of a blind person, in the side surface of the handle there are control elements in the form of switches and/or a joystick, an image recognition system comprising a database of objects of the surrounding space, and a microcontroller connected to a power supply located in the cane tube.EF