A kind of protection device stimulating human body, to stimulate a nerve fiber possessed by a human body, which includes posterior limiting, a master point position hole and a cardinal stimuli part. The elastic layer coats the what human body, and further fetters the human body and attach a skin of the what human body; The master point position hole opens up the what elastic layer; And the cardinal stimuli part is correspondingly arranged the what master point position hole, and contacts the skin to export the energy of the nerve fiber under the stimulation position what skin. Accordingly, the utility model directly stimulates the nerve fiber by the cardinal stimuli part, has effects that promote blood circulation, and is removable design between the cardinal stimuli part and the elastic layer, and what can be replaced independently when damaging, and saves use cost.一種刺激人體的保健裝置,用以刺激一人體所具有的一神經組織,該保健裝置包含有一彈性層、一主穴位孔以及一主刺激件。該彈性層包覆於該人體,並且進一步束縛該人體而貼附於該人體的一皮膚;該主穴位孔開設於該彈性層;而該主刺激件對應設置於該主穴位孔,並接觸該皮膚以輸出一刺激位於該皮膚下的該神經組織的能量。據此,本新型藉由該主刺激件直接對該神經組織進行刺激,具有促進血液循環的功效,且該主刺激件與該彈性層之間為可拆式的設計,於毀損時可獨立更換,節省使用成本。