The present invention relates to compositions comprising yeast cells and/oryeast cell components and methods forproducing and utilizing the same. In particular, the invention provides novelyeast comprising altered cell wall structure (e.g., clayand/or clay component(s) integrated (e.g., interlaced) into cell wall(s)and/or cell wall(s) comprising altered glucan:mannan ratio),methods of producing the same, compositions comprising and/or derived from thesame, and methods of using the same (e.g., tosequester and/or adsorb bacteria and toxins). Compositions and methods of theinvention find use in a variety of applicationsin-cluding dietary (e.g., admixing with feedstuffs or otherwise feeding toanimals), therapeutic, prophylactic (e.g. admixing withbed-ding sources and/or other materials that come into contact with animals,usage during food and beverage processing andmanufacture, and usage during filtration of liquids) as well as researchapplications.