FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, and is intended for surgical treatment of eye diseases. Cut of cornea is made in upper sector at 9-12 oclock in form of corneal tunnel cut 1.8-6 mm wide, additionally made are peripheral cuts of cornea above the places of needle prickouts from sclera, transscleral passing of said thread through eye membrane is performed at the distance 1-3 mm from limb in projection of iridociliary furrow oppositionally or by means of guide-needle, or without it, with prick-in and prick-out or, respectively, needle fixed on thread end. Bringing out middle part of thread is carried out through corneal tunnel cut by means of microhook or surgical forceps. During IOL implantation its centering is carried out by corresponding tightening of thread ends on which needles are placed, in the place of prick-out of corresponding needle on thread ends repeated prick-on is performed, and fixed on thread ends needles are passed intrasclerally and brought out into oppositional cuts, thread ends are fixed in layers of cornea by interrupted sutures. Thread is selected from nonabsorbable material from 8.0 to 12.0 thick, injection guide-needle is selected with sixe from 20 to 27 caliber.EFFECT: method makes it possible to improve vision and obtain stable clinical effect with minimisation of quantity and values of additional cuts of cornea.2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмологии, и предназначено для хирургического лечения глазных болезней. Разрез роговицы выполняют в верхнем секторе на 9-12 часах в виде роговичного туннельного разреза шириной 1,8-6 мм, при этом дополнительно производят оппозиционно периферические разрезы роговичной оболочки над местами выколов игл из склеры, а транссклеральное проведение этой нити через оболочку глаза осуществляют на расстоянии 1-3 мм от лимба в проекции иридоцилиарной борозды оппозиционно или с помощью иглы-проводника, или без нее, со вколом и выколом или иглой-пр