БЁМ Роберт Томас (US),ДОНХОУ Дениэл Пол (US),МАТИАС Патриция Энн (US),ФУ Ксиаопин (US),РЕШТЬЕН Жозеф Бернар (CH),КЕССЛЕР Ульрих (CH),СУДХАРСАН Матхалаи Балан (CH)
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: inventions group relates to food industry. The method involves the stages of provision of a porous base powder (represented by a powder frozen by way of spraying, with particles porosity equal to at least 35%, with the volume of pores filled with ice crystals amounting to 2.5. ml/g and the size of pores filled with ice crystals less than 3 mcm), the base powder agglomeration at a temperature lower than 0°C to produce a flat cake, the latter powdering and the powder sublimation drying. The instant powder for beverage preparation is represented by coffee powder or coffee powders with addition of chicory, cereal crops, a milk or non-milk whitener, cocoa powder, chocolate powder or powder for preparation of a malt beverage. The porous and spraying-frozen base powder with particles porosity equal to at least 35%, with the volume of pores filled with ice crystals equal to 2.5 ml/g and the size of pores filled with ice crystals being less than 3 mcm. The product represents an instant powder for beverage preparation and is produced by cold agglomeration of the base powder and, whenever required, further milling. The instant beverage preparation method involves a stage of reconditioning of the instant powder for beverage preparation with a liquid.EFFECT: inventions group is aimed at manufacture of a product with easy solubility and foam volume whereof is equal to nearly 3-6,9 ml in the process of reconditioning with a liquid.34 cl, 8 dwg, 7 exГруппа изобретений относится к пищевой промышленности. Способ включает стадии обеспечения пористого порошка-основы, представляющий собой замороженный распылением порошок с пористостью частиц, по меньшей мере, 35%, с объемом пор, заполненных кристаллами льда, менее 2,5 мл/г, и размером пор, заполненных кристаллами льда, менее 3 мкм, спекания порошка-основы при температуре ниже 0°С с получением спеченной лепешки, ее измельчения в порошок и сублимационной сушки порошка. Быстрорастворимый порошок для приготов