toe portion (11), ankle (12), and a prosthetic leg foot device (10) with the heel portion (13), the device is, in the coupling device, and / or limb amputees of and configured the mounting unit to be connected to the base of the limb (14), from the mounting unit (14) the toe section through the ankle portion (12) resilient extending toward the (11) upper side a forefoot member (16), at least one elongated, forefoot plate springs forming a curve (17), and extending Ashiyubi portion (11) at least one longitudinally divided into at least two parts divided slots (20) the upper forefoot member (16) comprising a heel member (22) a resilient extending toward the heel portion (13) from the mounting unit (14) through the ankle portion (12) met on at least one elongated, the heel member comprising a heel plate spring (23) which forms a curve (22), the heel member forefoot member (16) in the toe portion (11) and in the heel portion (13) and a lower leg member (25) with a resilient attached to (22), a lower leg member (25) is integral laterally along its longitudinal length, artificial leg foot devices ( 10).足指部(11)、足首部(12)、およびかかと部(13)を有する義足足部デバイス(10)であって、当該デバイスが、結合デバイスに、および/または肢切断者の手足の基部に接続されるように構成された取付けユニット(14)と、取付けユニット(14)から足首部(12)を通って足指部(11)に向けて延在する弾力性のある上側前足部材(16)であって、少なくとも1つの細長い、曲線を成す前足部板ばね(17)、および足指部(11)を少なくとも2つの部分に分割する少なくとも1つの長手方向に延在する分割スロット(20)を備える上側前足部材(16)と、取付けユニット(14)から足首部(12)を通ってかかと部(13)に向けて延在する弾力性のあるかかと部材(22)であって、少なくとも1つの細長い、曲線を成すかかと部板ばね(23)を備えるかかと部材(22)と、足指部(11)において前足部材(16)に、またかかと部(13)においてかかと部材(22)に取り付けられる弾力性のある下側足部材(25)とを備え、下側足部材(25)が、その長手方向長さに沿って横方向に一体である、義足足部デバイス(10)。