A device of wireless electromagnetic ablation therapy, includes an electromagnetic unit, and least one sensor unit. Said electromagnetic unit includes a magnetic field transmission module which produces magnetic field to heat up the needle, and a signal receiver module adapted to adjust said magnetic field. Said magnetic field causes said sensor unit to induce electricity. Said electricity is then being utilized to transmit temperature data to said electromagnetic unit via wireless communication means.一種發明無線傳輸磁熱治療裝置,包含一激磁單元,及至少一偵測單元。該激磁單元包括一可產生磁場以加熱該針具至設定溫度值的磁場輸出模組,及一可調整該磁場輸出模組所輸出之磁場大小的信號接收模組。該至少一偵測單元能感應該激磁單元的磁場而產生電力,並透過這些電力來將該至少一感測模組所測得的實際溫度值以無線傳輸方式傳送給該激磁單元,達到無線化之功效並提升方便性。