Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Юго-Западный государственный университет" (ЮЗГУ) (RU)
Рыбочкин Анатолий Федорович (RU),Савельев Сергей Викторович (RU)
1. A method of diagnosing the state of colonies on their acoustic noise, which consists in that the acoustic noise of colonies, removable via the remote microphone receives the sound card personal electronic computer, the signal is sampled, and then using a fast Fourier transform spectrum is constructed with a resolution of 1 Hz in a frequency band (60-950 Hz), characterized in that in the spectrum are given by the four most informative narrowband frequency bands with central frequencies F1 settings, F2, F3, F4 and Anna width B1, B2, B3, B4, in these frequency bands measured intensive components, which are added together, and their total value is divided by the number of intensive components with a resolution of 1 Hz, is determined by the average intensity of the analyzed frequency spectrum band, such action is carried out with the other three frequency bands of the spectrum, then the average values of the intensities are analyzed, the smallest average intensity value is assigned to the first level, then the average value is searched next intensity frequency band greater than the smallest average value - is assigned to the second level and such actions are carried out with the other two frequency bands of the spectrum, as a result of the spectrum shaping the image that is encoded by a binary code obtained associative comparison of the value of the level, code sequence creates a code message characterizes the state diagnosed bee family, built table appearance of the spectra, the frequency distribution and / or code of their counterparts and their distribution referred to diagnosable sostoyaniyu.2. way of1. Способ диагностирования состояний пчелиных семей по их акустическому шуму, заключающийся в том, что акустический шум пчелиных семей, снимаемый с помощью выносного микрофона, поступает на звуковую карту персональной электронно-вычислительной машины, сигнал оцифровывается, а далее с использованием быстрого преобразования Фурье строится спектр с разрешением в 1 Гц в