A cartridge (12) for folding an ophthalmic implant (11) comprises a pliers consisting of two articulated arms (34, 36), which are provided with substantially coaxial channels (46, 48) and each of which is boarded by two longitudinal edges (46A, 46B, 48A, 48B), wherein said channels (46, 48) are open in front of each other and define a partially folded conduit containing the implant (11) when the two arms (34, 36) are brought to each other. When said two arms (34, 36) are brought to each other, at least two edges (46B, 48B) positioned in front of the channels (46, 48) are driven apart transversally with respect to conduit on a plane, where said two arms (34, 36) are jointed in such a way that the arm (36) delimits the supporting shoulder (49) of the implant (11) being projected in front of the channel (46) embodied in the other arm (34).La cartouche (12) de pliage dimplant ophtalmique (11) comporte une pince formée de deux branches articulées (34, 36), les deux branches (34, 36) présentant des canaux (46, 48) sensiblement coaxiaux bordés chacun par deux rives longitudinales (46A, 46B, 48A, 48B), les canaux (46, 48) souvrant lun en regard de lautre et délimitant lorsque les deux branches (34, 36) sont accolées un conduit de confinement de limplant (11) partiellement replié. En position accolée des deux branches (34, 36), au moins deux des rives (46B, 48B) en regard des deux canaux (46, 48) sont décalés transversalement au conduit dans le plan de jonction des deux branches (34, 36) de sorte quune branche (36) délimite un épaulement (49) dappui de limplant (11) faisant saillie en regard du canal (46) ménagé dans lautre branche (34).