The invention relates to a process and a plant for preparing probiotic fortified dairy products. According to the invention, the process consists in a previous pasteurization of milk in HTST regime, in a plate pasteurizer, while adjusting the fat content thereof, followed by fortifying the milk with a proteinaceous whey concentrate in a mixing tank, homogenizing the mixture by passing it through a piston homogenizer and distributing the same into pasteurization, fermentation and stirring tanks, a long-time pasteurization at the temperature of 85°C, while maintaining it at this temperature for 20 min, and a quick cooling to the fermentation temperature, after which a probiotic and an inoculum consisting of probiotic culture/mesophilic culture are introduced into the tank containing the pasteurized mixture, followed by fermentation at a temperature of 35...42°C, mixture cooling to the temperature of 10°C, structuring and packaging it in individual containers. The plant, as claimed by the invention, comprises a silo tank (1) for unpasteurized milk, product circulation pumps (2, 5), a plate pasteurizer (3), a whey ultrafiltration installation (6), a tank (4) for mixing the pasteurized milk with the proteinaceous whey concentrate resulting from ultrafiltration, a piston homogenizer (7), three pasteurization, fermentation and stirring tanks (8) for the fortifying mixture, a structuring device (9) provided with a rotor-stator system and a series of slots for finishing the resulting product and a machine (10) for packaging the product into individual containers.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu şi la o instalaţie de obţinere a unor produse lactate probiotice fortifiate. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în pasteurizarea prealabilă a laptelui în regim HTST, într-un pasteurizator cu plăci, şi reglarea conţinutului de grăsime a acestuia, urmată de fortifierea cu un concentrat proteic din zer, într-un tanc de amestec, omogenizarea prin trecerea amestecului printr-un omogenizat