Дугушева Татьяна Александровна (RU),Степаненко Александр Иванович (RU),Петров Владимир Васильевич (RU)
The proposal relates to the field of physiology and designed to optimize the brain and electroneurostimulation cerebral subcortical nuclei of the central nervous system and the cranial nerves. The device comprises an array of stimulation mandibular modular electrode assembly, characterized in that it is made individually on the basis of simulation impression mandibular fixed to the teeth, in which and placed working parts of the device, consisting of a miniature control unit connected to the micromechanical vibratory three-axis gyroscope, and having a number of special programs for electrostimulation carried out individually for each patient, a miniature power source vmont th e in mandibular module, set of a plurality of external electrodes installed on the edge of the module, and electrodes included in the electrode stimulus array having a number of corresponding outputs, distributed along the latter in such area as to stimulate oral surface through the individual electrodes respectively used programs, activated according to the gyro body registrable deviations from vertical, i.e. one or another region of the oral cavity, by appropriate Yelnia cranial nerves.Use of the device enables the conductive and trophic stimulation of the nervous system, communication with the central nervous system organs innervated, and stimulation optimization activity control systems of the body, maintaining its active life, the prevention of various diseases.Il.-4 1 n. F.Предложение относится к области физиологии и предназначено для оптимизации работы мозга и электронейростимуляции подкорковых ядер головного мозга, центральной нервной системы и черепно-мозговых нервов. Прибор содержит матричный стимуляционный нижнечелюстной модульный электродный блок, отличающийся тем, что он изготавливается индивидуально на основе моделирования слепка нижней челюсти, крепящегося к зубам, в который и помещаются рабочие органы прибора, состоящие из миниатюрного блока управления, соединенного с микромехан