Long-cherished desire the helmet which is agreeable to the head of the patient who receives ophthalmology inspection the seat (10) with, the screen where the light spot is projected with the front of the patient (11) with at the time of equipping which it has regards the eyeball motion sensor device which consists of (1). The aforementioned helmet (1) the light spot the screen (11) the front projector which is given out to direction (2) and, has with the expedient which videotapes the picture of each eyeball, as for this video recording expedient, records the movement of the angular karaso which can look at the eyeball which is in all positions which it can think. As for this video recording expedient, desirably, the helmet (1) the video camera where the projector (2) is arranged under it has (6), as for this video camera, in order to videotape the mirror reflection of (i) motion the mirror of the pair where the helmet (1) with both sides of lower part is provided under each eyeball (7) to it adjusts the focus to the lower part. Or, it can have two video cameras respectively under the (ii) each eyeball.本願は、座席(10)と、患者の前方で光点が投影されるスクリーン(11)とを備えた設備において眼科検査を受ける患者の頭部に合うヘルメット(1)からなる眼球運動センサ装置に関する。前述のヘルメット(1)は、光点をスクリーン(11)の方向へ発する前方プロジェクター(2)と、各眼球の画像を録画する手段とを備え、この録画手段は、考えうる全ての位置にある眼球を見ることのできる角度からその動きを記録する。この録画手段は、好ましくは、ヘルメット(1)のプロジェクター(2)の下に配置されるビデオカメラ(6)を備え、このビデオカメラは、(i)運動の鏡面反射を録画するためにヘルメット(1)の下部の両側で各眼球の下に設けられた一対のミラー(7)へ下方に焦点を合わせる。または、(ii)各眼球の下にそれぞれ2つのビデオカメラが備えられる。