Use levels of certain Cytokines in the blood of a patient as an objective measure to evaluate the Progress of the disease in patients with Alzheimer's disease and to determine the effectiveness of a Treatment regime. Methods are provided for treating Alzheimer's disease and monitor the therapeutic efficacy.Claim 1: a method for evaluating the effectiveness of a proposed therapy to treat Alzheimer's disease, characterized in that it comprises the steps of: (a) determine the average level of Cytokine in a sample of Blood taken from subjects with Alzheimer's disease But did not receive the therapy.To thereby obtain a Therapeutic level of Cytokine; (b) to determine the average level of Cytokine in a sample of Blood taken from subjects with Alzheimer's disease who receive Therapy, to thereby obtain a Therapeutic level of Cytokine; and (c) com Stop The therapeutic level with the therapeutic level.To determine the efficacy of the therapy, the therapy is effective when the therapeutic level is higher than the non Therapeutic level, and the therapy is ineffective when the therapeutic level is equal or lower than the non Therapeutic level, where both the Subjects the subjects in (a) and (b) include at least 5 individuals.Uso del nivel de ciertas citoquinas en la sangre de un paciente como una medida objetiva con el propósito de evaluar el progreso de la enfermedad en pacientes que tienen la enfermedad de Alzheimer y con el propósito de determinar la eficacia de un régimen de tratamiento. Se proveen métodos para tratar la enfermedad de Alzheimer y controlar la eficacia terapéutica.Reivindicación 1: Un método para evaluar la eficacia de una terapia pretendida para tratar la enfermedad de Alzheimer, caracterizado porque comprende los pasos de: (a) determinar el nivel promedio de una citoquina en una muestra de sangre tomada de sujetos que sufren de la enfermedad de Alzheimer pero no reciben la terapia, para obtener de ese modo un nivel no terapéutico de la citoquina; (b) determi