The present invention relates to a tissue regeneration membrane for repair and regeneration of peripheral nerve, which includes a collagen membrane and an anti-inflammatory medicinal composition dispersed therein uniformly, for wrapping an injured peripheral nerve. The collagen membrane protects the injured peripheral nerve from the infiltration of inflammatory cells, and the anti-inflammatory medicinal composition can inhibit neuroinflammation of the injured peripheral nerve, thereby promoting the repair and regeneration of the injured peripheral nerve.本發明有關於一種用於周邊神經修復及再生之組織再生膜,其包含膠原蛋白膜以及均勻分布在膠原蛋白膜中之抗發炎藥學組成物,以包覆受損周邊神經,其中組織再生膜之厚度與受損周邊神經的直徑相近,可防止外圍發炎細胞浸潤至受損周邊神經,而抗發炎藥學組成物可抑制受損周邊神經的神經發炎,藉此促進受損周邊神經之修復與再生。