This Chong Zuo Department mono- Seed full Wheat Surface structures, it includes:One surfaces full Wheat Valley Wu System Cheng Surface Strip The Surface Strip are coated with fried Layer, the outer surface Department of The fryings Layer is in rough surface, and The Surface Strip Inner shapes are at Complex Number Inter gap persons, The Surface Strip The high Warm 180 to 200 DEG C of fryings of Photo Shi, remove moisture removal, make its universe is dry, Chu Wet And sizing , Jin and make crispy in taste, Qie The Over high Warm Kill bacterium, therefore it is more than the month can to save six Ge under the normal Warm of what, Qie The Surface Strip The are formed Hou can benefit Yu Bao Installed storagesFurthermore, this Chong Zuo Surface Strip Department can be by dealer voluntarily Tian Jia Camp Raising Elixirs at And by full Wheat Valley Wu System, therefore Ju Gao Fiber Victoria, Gao Camp Raising and Gao Dan Bai Quality Cu Jin Intestinal stomaches absorb, the health of Yi Zeng Jin eaters, and frying Layer is Ji Inter gaps can easy what Xi Fu Tone taste substances, increase this Chong such as Soup juice or condiment , Jin and make Shi Yong Time Wind taste persons.本創作係一種全麥麵結構,其包含:一全麥穀物製成之麵條,該麵條表面包覆有油炸層,該油炸層之外表面係呈粗糙面,且該麵條內形成複數間隙者,該麵條經高溫攝氏180至200℃油炸,去除水分,使其乾燥、除濕並定型,進而使口感酥脆,且經過高溫殺菌,故可於常溫下保存六個月以上,且該麵條經定型後可利於包裝貯藏;此外,本創作之麵條係由全麥穀物製成,並可由業者自行添加營養劑,故具高纖維、高營養及高蛋白質,促進腸胃吸收,以增進食用者之健康,且油炸層及間隙可易於吸附調味料,如湯汁或佐料,進而增添本創作食用時之風味者。