Disclosed are a coenzyme Q10 and glucosaminoglycan fermentation liquid and the manufacture thereof. The manufacture comprises the steps of: (a) providing fresh tea leaves, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits or saccharide (b) mixing with yeasts (c) fermenting for a predetermined period and separating the liquid and dregs (d) obtaining the coenzyme Q10 and glucosaminoglycan fermentation liquid. The fermentation liquid of the present invention is contain Q10 naturally and is suitable for food and cosmetic manufacture, it has great flavor and tends to disperse and solve in liquid solution.本發明揭露一種含有輔酵素Q10與黏多醣之發酵液及其製造方法,其製造方法包含下列步驟:(a)以新鮮茶葉、新鮮葉菜及新鮮水果果實或醣類為原料;(b)加入可食用酵母菌混合;(c)靜置發酵後將汁液與固態殘渣分離;(d)其液態部分即可得含輔酵素Q10與黏多糖體之發酵液。此製作方法自然,不需加工,本身即含有Q10,將發酵液應用於食品及化妝品製作時具有風味佳、容易分散,且可與水溶液完全混合等優點。