1. A removable denture system containing a personalized supporting beam fixedly attached to the human alveolar process above the mucous membrane through a variety of dental implants; personalized denture corresponding to the parameters of human teeth and containing in the lower part a fixed built-in superstructure, the cross-section of which corresponds to the essentially transverse section of the support beam; and a denture fixing device for securely fixing and removing the denture from the support beam, and where one of the support beam and superstructure is equipped with one or more positioning grooves running parallel to the staging line (POI) of the denture, and the corresponding other of the support beam and superstructure one or more laterally protruding positioning protrusions, each of which extends opposite the corresponding positioning groove and is capable of tightly ilegat to ney.2. A removable denture system according to claim 1, characterized in that one or more positioning grooves and / or one or more positioning protrusions have a cross section of a conical shape. The removable denture system according to claim 1, characterized in that the simple and correct positioning of the superstructure on the support beam is provided by a funnel-shaped guide, where one or more positioning grooves contain an expanding upper end, and / or one or more positioning protrusions taper to the lower end .four. A removable denture system according to claim 1, characterized in that1. Съемная система зубного протеза, содержащая персонализированную опорную балку, неподвижно прикрепленную к альвеолярному отростку человека над слизистой оболочкой посредством множества зубных имплантатов; персонализированный зубной протез, соответствующий параметрам зубов человека и содержащий в нижней части неподвижную встроенную супраструктуру, поперечное сечение которой соответствует по существу поперечному сечению опорной балки; и фиксирующее устройство зубного протеза для надежной фиксаци