FIELD: pharmacology.SUBSTANCE: application of glutamine, Bifidobacterium breve and at least one indigestible oligosaccharide is proposed for the manufacture of a nutritional composition for cognitive or behavioral characteristics, cognitive or behavioral development, social interaction and/or neuroinflammation improvement for infants or children starting to walk. At that, an infant or a child starting to walk suffers from allergy or is at risk of allergy, or suffers from intestinal inflammation. At that, the indigestible oligosaccharide is selected from the group consisting of fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, glucooligosaccharides, arabinooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides, fucooligosaccharides, arabinogalactooligosaccharides, glucomannanoligosaccharides, galactomannooligosaccharides, oligosaccharides containing sialic acid and uronic acid oligosaccharides. Glutamine is in the form of free amino acids, dipeptides, and/or tripeptide. A nutritional composition containing protein, fat, digestible carbohydrate and further comprising: Bifidobacterium breve in an amount of 102 to 1013 CFU per 1 g of the nutritional composition dry weight, at least one indigestible oligosaccharide selected from fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides in an amount of 0.5 to 20 wt % in terms of the nutritional composition dry weight, at least 4 wt % of glutamine (in the form of free amino acids, dipeptides, and/or tripeptide) in terms of the nutritional composition dry weight, and LC-PUFA in the form of either arachidonic acid and/or docosahexaenoic acid. A set of components is also claimed, comprising the first container containing glutamine and an indigestible oligosaccharide, and the second container containing Bifidobacterium breve.EFFECT: invention allows to improve brain activity and cognitive functions in infants and young children suffering from allergy, inflammation or atopic disease.16 cl, 6 tbl, 9 exИзобретение относится к пит