The purpose of the present invention is to provide a radiograph interpretation assistance device and method which prevent areas of a radiograph to be interpreted from being overlooked by a radiologist without interfering with the radiologists interpretation. Provided is a radiograph interpretation assistance device, comprising: a sight line sensing unit (32) which senses the sight line of a radiologist a focus assessment unit (33) which assesses, on the basis of the result of the sensing by the sight line sensing unit, whether a lesion candidate site within an image of the radiograph to be interpreted which is displayed by a display unit (24) has been focused upon by the radiologist a termination sensing unit (35) which senses a termination of the radiological interpretation by the radiologist of the image of the radiograph to be interpreted which is displayed by the display unit and a display control unit which switches from a first display state in which the image of the radiograph to be interpreted is displayed by the display unit and in which assistance information is not displayed to a second display state in which at least the assistance information is displayed by the display unit, if the termination of the radiological interpretation is sensed by the termination sensing unit and it is assessed by the focus assessment unit that the lesion candidate site has not been focused upon.Lobjet de la présente invention est de réaliser un dispositif et un procédé daide à linterprétation de radiographie qui évite que des zones dune radiographie à interpréter soient ignorées par un radiologue sans interférer avec linterprétation du radiologue. Elle concerne un dispositif daide à linterprétation de radiographies, comprenant : une unité de détection de ligne de vue (32) qui détecte la ligne de vue dun radiologue une unité dévaluation de mise au point (33) qui évalue, sur la base du résultat de la détection par lunité de détection de ligne de vue, si le radiologue a effect