Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие "Центральный научно-исследовательский институт машиностроения" (ФГУП ЦНИИмаш) (RU)
Беркович Юлий Александрович (RU),Медов Виктор Михайлович (RU),Мухоян Макартыч Затыкянович (RU),Никитин Владимир Борисович (RU),Скрипников Александр Юрьевич (RU)
1. A device for processing plant material, containing a container with plant material in the irradiation chamber with LEDs mounted on the wall of the chamber, connected to a power source, and a control and management unit that regulates the illumination of plant material based on energy and temperature data obtained from sensors in the zone plant material observed by a video system and recorded by a memory device, characterized in that it contains several light-isolated cameras with an LED light source, a container with a substrate for plant growth and a video camera, arranged in a convenient way for operation in a common container, with plants in each containers are irradiated through the transparent side wall of the container with light of only one color, emitted by an LED installed opposite this wall on a radiator bracket adjacent to the wall of the chamber to accommodate this container, and a video camera for monitoring and recording the process through the transparent side wall of the container, perpendicular to the wall through which the irradiation is performed, is attached to the chamber wall. 2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that in the container, the chambers with containers for growing plants are arranged in a multi-storey structure, and the power supply and control and monitoring unit common to all chambers are mounted on a single board and fixed inside the container. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the container contains a five-story structure composed of chambers with containers for growing plants with LED illumination, in the first chamber - with blue light, in1. Устройство для обработки растительного материала, содержащее емкость с растительным материалом в камере облучения светодиодами, установленными на стенке камеры, соединенными с источником электропитания, и блок контроля и управления, регулирующий освещение растительного материала на основе данных энергии и температуры, получаемых с датчиков в зоне рас