The essential oil of four edged nematode (he) is widely used in traditional medicine, and its antifungal activity against botulinum botulinum (B.cinerea) is studied in the present invention.The main pathogen of Tomato in the process of cultivation and storage. The hes characteristic of the air part of t. altarta identified by GC-MS is that oxidized monoterpenes dominate in all physical stages. He extracted from flower stadium effectively inhibited the growth of sarcococcus, even CAPB.Inhibiting Germination and changing spore morphology of R. cinerea Spraying the joints on the fallen leaves of fruits and tomatoes greatly reduced the infection of gray rot caused by B. cinerea. Greenhouse tomato plants are treated with he in the joint.Your emulsion is in water and inoculated by B. cinerea The prophylactic treatment of the emulsion has been shown to be more effective in reducing leaf damage and improving plant yield parameters than chemical fungicides. The mechanism of biological fungicidal effect of he on joints showed that it was different from chemical fungicideThe product can improve the components of antioxidant system of tomato plants, especially antioxidant enzymes ("gpox").Ascorbic acid peroxidasecatalaseAntioxidant molecules such as polyphenols and anti fat activity. Spraying tomato plants with this he preparation can improve the resistance genes of tomato, especially lserf, lswrky, lslux, lschi and lstrx. The emulsion of T-joint he was microencapsulated by spray for preservation. Based on these results, he from t arthritis can be used for biocontrol of gray mold under pre harvest and post harvest conditions.L'huile essentielle (HE) de Tetraclinis articulata (T articulata) a été largement utilisée en médecine traditionnelle et étudiée dans cette invention pour son activité antifongique contre Botrytis cinerea (B. cinerea), un phytopathogène majeur de la tomate en culture et pendant le stockage du fruit. Les HEs des parties aériennes de T. articulata identifiées