Yi Seed Knot close the beam Tapes of other Gan Measuring functions of Pressure Li With and users interface, the Sheng Li Machine Neng , of main characteristic Surveillance Measuring users ?with Soft Ying Body Xi System ?make method, by users interface Lose go out mutual Move News No. , Jin row Jian Kang, ?Move Qing Xing Prison Kong Auxiliary help. Such as, abdominal respiration Fa Prison Kong Auxiliary are helped.一種結合壓力與其他感測功能及使用者介面的束帶,其主要特徵在偵測使用者之生理機能,運用軟硬體系統運作方法,由使用者介面輸出互動訊號,進行健康、運動情形監控輔助。如,腹式呼吸法之監控輔助。