FIELD: cosmetology.SUBSTANCE: disclosed is a mouthwash comprising an aqueous solution of an effective amount of an orally acceptable, soluble zinc salt together and an effective amount of a preservative to ensure suppression of bacteria, selected from methylisothiazolinone (MIT), benzyl alcohol and combinations thereof. Zinc salt is present in concentration of 0.05 to 2 wt%; preservatives are present, separately or in combination, in an amount of: MIT 0.0005-0.001 wt%, benzyl alcohol 0.05-0.25 wt%, which provides acceptable resistance to growth of bacteria, yeast and mould fungi, along with orally acceptable taste of mouthwash, containing an aqueous solution of a zinc salt. Also disclosed is use of said mouthwash for a) reducing or inhibiting formation of dental caries, b) reducing, repairing or inhibiting early enamel lesions, c) reducing or inhibiting gingivitis, d) facilitating healing of inflammation or cuts in mouth, e) inhibiting microbial biofilm formation in oral cavity, f) reducing plaque accumulation, g) enhancing systemic health, including cardiovascular health, h) immunising teeth against cariogenic bacteria and their effects and/or i) cleaning teeth and oral cavity; and method of improving oral health, involving application of an effective amount of said mouthwash in oral cavity.EFFECT: acceptable resistance to growth of bacteria, yeast and mould fungi, along with orally acceptable taste of mouthwash.9 cl, 1 tbl, 1 exГруппа изобретений относится к области средств для ухода за полостью рта и их применению. Предлагается ополаскиватель для полости рта, содержащий водный раствор эффективного количества приемлемой для полости рта растворимой соли цинка и эффективного для обеспечения подавления микробов количества консерванта, выбранного из метилизотиазолинона (МИТ), бензилового спирта и их комбинаций. При этом соль цинка присутствует в концентрации от 0,05 до 2 масс. %; консерванты присутствуют, индивидуально или в комбинации, в количестве: МИТ 0,0005-0,0