<; p >; a process to try to minimize the pardecimiento Fruits or Vegetables in subsequent Processing, handling and Storage,Wherein the M & eacute; it includes: (a) separate Tissue Edible Pulp tissue of the fruit or vegetable inedible: (b) Blanch Said Edible Pulp tissue in water vapor over a period of time at a Predetermined pressure SCALD Bertalanffy scalding it Less than or equal to the Atmospheric Pressure & eacute; Rich: & nbsp; (c) to cool the Pulp Tissue blanching and EXtraer residual heat of the Pulp Tissue blanching; (d) to freeze the Pulp Tissue cooled to obtain Pulp Tissue at least partially frozen; where the Pulp Tissue Frozen obtained in the step (d) possesses organoleptic Properties & eacute; substantially similar to tissue Optical P Recently, separate (ULPA). <; / p >;PROCESO PARA TRATAR FRUTAS O VERDURAS PARA MINIMIZAR EL PARDEAMIENTO EN PROCESAMIENTO, MANEJO Y ALMACENAMIENTO POSTERIORES, QUE COMPRENDE SEPARAR TEJIDO DE PULPA COMESTIBLE DE TEJIDO INCOMESTIBLE DE IA FRUTA O VERDURA ESCALDAR EN VAPOR DE AGUA A UNA PRESIÓN SEA INFERIOR O IGUAL A IA PRESIÓN ATMOSFÉRICA, ENFRIAR, CONGELAR SISTEMA PARA PROCESAR FRUTAS Y VERDURAS