The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing green tea glass noodles for spicy grilled chicken and, more specifically, to a method for manufacturing green tea glass noodles for spicy grilled chicken, which allows the glass green tea noodles to contain starch and green tea extract so as to contain healthy ingredients in green tea and prevent absorption of water so as to maintain a chewy texture and improve flavor. According to the method for manufacturing green tea glass noodles for spicy grilled chicken, the green tea glass noodles are good for health since the noodles contain the green tea extract and remove the smell of the spicy grilled chicken, thereby being good to eat with the spicy grilled chicken. Since the noodles pass through 2 steps of freeze drying, tissue of the noodles becomes compact so as to be more chewy and the noodles absorb water slowly so as not to be swollen easily.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본 발명은 닭갈비용 녹차당면 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 전분과 함께 녹차추출물을 포함시켜 건강에 좋은 녹차성분이 포함되도록 하고, 쉽게 수분을 흡수하지 않도록 하여 쫄깃함을 오랫동안 보전하여 음식의 맛을 더욱 좋게 할 수 있는 닭갈비용 녹차당면 제조방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명의 닭갈비용 녹차당면 제조방법에 의하면 녹차추출물이 포함되어 건강에 좋고, 닭갈비의 냄새를 제거해주는 역할도 할 수 있으므로 닭갈비와 함께 넣으면 좋고, 냉동건조를 2단계를 거치므로, 면의 조직이 치밀해져 더욱 쫄깃쫄깃하고, 수분을 빨리 흡수하지 않으므로 조리 후 쉽게 퍼지지 않는다.