The invention relates to a device for collecting excrement as it is being evacuated, comprising a disposable bag (1), the mouth of which is protected by a ring (2) that is provided with a light adhesive that can be used to affix the bag around the anus. The neck of the bag includes a loop formed by a cord or tape (3), the free end of which includes an end ring (31) provided with an adhesive surface. Said adhesive surface allows the end ring to be secured to the back of the animal, while the bag is affixed around the anus, and, once the excrement has been evacuated, it allows the bag to be closed by pulling the cord or tape (3) and removed from the animal, after which the closed bag can be disposed of at the appropriate location.Dispositivo para recogida de excrementos durante su deposición, que comprende una bolsa desechable (1), en la que su embocadura está protegida por un anillo (2) que está provisto un adhesivo ligero, que permite colocar la bolsa adherida entorno al ano. El cuello de esta bolsa presenta un lazo formado por una cuerda o cinta (3), cuyo extremo libre incorpora una terminación (31) a modo de anilla, provista de una superficie adhesiva que permite fijarla en la espalda del animal, mientras porta la bolsa adherida entorno al ano y, una vez que ha efectuado la deposición, permite cerrar la bolsa tirando de dicha cuerda o cinta (3), despegarla del animal y tirarla cerrada en el lugar oportuno.