An object of the present invention is to provide a dry coating method which can coat a tablet in a simple manner and with high efficiency, and therefore can produce a tablet having good appearance and hardly causing breaking/cracking. The present invention provides a process for producing a tablet coated with a coating agent comprising a meltable substance, comprising the steps of: heating a plain tablet to a temperature equal to or higher than a melting point of the meltable substance and contacting the plain tablet with the coating agent to coat the plain tablet.本發明之目的係提供一種製造錠劑之乾式包覆方法,其可簡單、高效地包覆錠劑,製造出美好外觀、不易產生破裂缺損之錠劑。本發明係提供一種使用含有熔融性物質之包覆劑進行包覆之錠劑製造方法,包括將素錠加熱至前述熔融性物質熔點以上溫度之步驟及將前述素錠與前述包覆劑接觸而對該素錠進行包覆之步驟。