The invention relates to a drainage pump unit for evacuating bodily fluids bymeans of a suction pump. Said unit comprises a drainage pump device with a pumphousing (4) for receiving the suction pump and a fluid collection container (5)that can be removably fixed to the pump housing (4). The drainage pump unit alsohas a pump-side connection unit (2) with a connecting element for connectionto a patient-side drainage tube (10). The connection part (2) is removably heldon the pump housing (4) and has a connecting piece (20), onto which a connectionopening (54) of the fluid collection container (5) can be pushed. Alternatively,the connection part (2) can have a connection opening, into which a connectingpiece of the fluid collection container (5) can be inserted. The connecting elementand the connecting piece (20) or connection opening are interconnected by meansof a drainage channel (24) that runs through the connection part (2). The drainagepump unit permits the replacement of the fluid collection container withoutthe removal of the drainage tube and thus without disturbing the patient.