1. tensioned absorbent article comprising a front outer cover member placed by the carrier belly, a rear outer cover that is placed from the back support, and the absorbent assembly attached to the front outer closure member and rear outer cover member so as to connect them like bridge, and the tensioning absorbent article having side seams are located at the respective side edge portions of the front of the outer cover and the rear of the outer cover along the longitudinal direction and formed by connecting together the front of the outer cover and the rear of the outer cover, thus tensioning the absorbent article comprises an annular outer cover part, which includes a front outer cover and rear outer cover that are joined together, wherein the front outer cover includes a sheet of the outer layer forming an outer surface and the sheet of the inner layer located inward from with respect to the sheet of the outer layer, cutting the outer cover member has an upper front zone and the lower front area, the lower front zone is located closer to the crotch portion than the upper front zone and in the upper front area of the sheet for the outer layer and the sheet of the inner layer are in the unconnected state while the elastic members are upper front zone and laterally secured to the inner layer sheet, the elastic members in the front lower zone or