1. The bandage compress for application consisting of an impermeable outer layer of the fixing material, at least one layer of material in contact with the body surface, fixing belts of adjustable length, characterized in that the waterproof material used fixing soft breathable waterproof polyester fabric, predominantly type Duspo, and as a material in contact with the surface of natural linen tkan.2. The dressing according to claim 1, characterized in that the material in contact with the surface of the body - the natural linen fabric, is used for the application of drugs in liquid form or in the form of ointments, preferably selected from the list of: dimethylsulfoxide (dimexide) ihtiolovaya ointment levomekol, balsamic liniment for Wisniewski (ointment Wisniewski), honey and honey based ointment, procaine, salt solution, alcohol, herbal infusions, eufillin.3. The dressing according to claim 1, characterized in that is in the form poluzhileta-shirts imposed and fastened to the area of the lungs and / or bronchial chest side and / or spiny.4. The dressing according to claim 1, characterized in that the strip is shaped, preferably in the form of mask-domino overlaying and fastened to congestion areas of lymph nodes, i.e. at the neck, knee bends the elbow, axillae, groin or other area accumulation of lymph uzlov.5. The dressing according to claim 1, characterized in that the strip is shaped, preferably in the form of mask-domino overlaying and fastened to congestion areas pustular obrazovaniy.6. The dressing according to claim 1, characterized in that the length adjustable belt1. Повязка для наложения компрессов, состоящая из наружного слоя непромокаемого фиксирующего материала, по меньшей мере, одного слоя материала, соприкасающегося с поверхностью тела, фиксирующих лент регулируемой длины, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве непромокаемого фиксирующего материала использована мягкая водонепроницаемая пропускающая воздух полиэфирная ткань, преимущественно типа Duspo,