device and method for temperature acclimation of a sportsman, solves the technical problem of temperature acclimation of athletes with changing temperature climatic zones.the invention is a device used for the acclimation of athletes, but also other persons who need such acclimation in occupation.or want to strengthen the body of the work. device for thermal acclimation of athletes is a compact device which incorporates all the functionality that has air conditioning chamber.the device comprises a garment that covers at least a part of the body, and are in the garment elements for temperature adjustment. in the case of the in suit tube which are connected with the tank body with water.water tank is connected to the heater, which provides regulated water temperature, in the case of the peltier components.the temperature controller is adjusted to suit, which provides heating or cooling water and consequently the clothes.Naprava in postopek za temperaturno aklimatizacijo osebe, prednostno športnika, rešuje tehnični problem pomanjkanja temperaturne aklimatizacije športnikov pri menjavanju temperaturnih klimatskih con. Naprava po izumu se prednostno uporablja za aklimatizacijo športnikov, lahko pa tudi drugih oseb, ki tako aklimatizacijo potrebujejo pri opravljanju poklica, ali želijo okrepiti telo za predvidene napore. Naprava za izvajanje toplotne aklimatizacije športnikov je kompaktna naprava, ki prevzema vse funkcije, ki jih imajo sicer klimatske komore. Naprava obsega oblačilo, ki pokriva vsaj del telesa, pri čemer so v oblačilu elementi za nastavljanje temperature. V izvedbenem primeru so v oblačilu cevke, ki so povezane z rezervoarjem z vodo. Rezervoar z vodo je priključen na grelnik, ki omogoča regulirano temperaturo vode, v izvedbenem primeru so to Peltier komponente. Temperaturo v oblačilu se nastavlja s krmilnikom, ki določa ogrevanje oziroma ohlajanje vode in posledično oblačila.