Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie zdravookhraneniya goroda Moskvy Nauchno-issledovatelskij institut skoroj pomoshchi imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo Departamenta zdravookhraneniya g. Moskvy
Vaza Aleksandr Yulevich (RU),Ваза Александр Юльевич (RU),Fajn Aleksej Maksimovich (RU),Файн Алексей Максимович (RU),Borovkova Natalya Valerevna (RU),Боровкова Наталья Валерьевна (RU),Titov Roman Serge
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medicine. Combined bone allogenic graft for treating complex fractures of the proximal humerus comprises a non-demineralised bone block derived from a donor bone, which is a fibular fragment with length of 6–8 cm, including a head, a neck and a part of the diaphysis, equipped along the whole surface through channels, made with diameter of not more than 2 mm, located at 3–5 mm from each other, wherein the holes of the bone block are filled with human collagen 1 in the form of a sponge with a fine cell structure. Method for producing a combined bone allogenic graft comprises formation of a fragment from a donor fibula frozen at a temperature of -40 °C, the fragment contains a head with a neck and a part of the diaphysis with a total length of 6–8 cm, when forming the fragment, the periosteum, cartilage and soft tissue remains are removed, after which through the entire surface of the fragment, through holes with diameter of not more than 2 mm are formed at distance of 3–5 mm from each other, followed by its dehydration, degreasing and drying, after which the obtained perforated bone block is impregnated with human collagen 1 solution with subsequent lyophilization under conditions providing conversion of collagen solution into a sponge with fine-mesh structure throughout the bone block.EFFECT: inventions provide strengthening of the proximal humerus in the surgical management of complex osteochondral fractures of the shoulder accompanied by bone deficit, and creation of conditions for facilitating reduction of fragments and healing of the fracture.6 cl, 2 ex, 11 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицине. Комбинированный костный аллогенный трансплантат для лечения сложных переломов проксимального отдела плечевой кости содержит не деминерализованный костный блок, полученный из кости донора, представляющий собой фрагмент малоберцовой кости длиной 6-8 см, включающий головку, шейку и часть диафиза, снабженный по в