A kind of full-automatic conveying mould group, the soil for being attached on peanut to dry universe peanut and removing, including one dry universe device, a screening plant, a conveying device and the dry device of a universe. Dry moisture of the universe device to the dry peanut surface of the universe; The air blower of screening plant, which blows, generates the soil that wind pressure what is attached to peanut through the peanut generation vibration removing of baking universe device processing Hou; Conveying device will deliver to the dry device of the universe by the peanut of screening plant processing Hou and control its temperature and humidity.一種全自動輸送模組,其用以烘乾落花生並除去黏附在落花生的泥土,包括一烘乾裝置、一篩選裝置、一輸送裝置以及一乾燥裝置。烘乾裝置用以乾燥落花生表面的水分;篩選裝置的鼓風機吹送產生風壓於經該烘乾裝置處理後的落花生產生震動除去附著在落花生的泥土;輸送裝置將經過該篩選裝置處理後的落花生運載至乾燥裝置控制其溫度和濕度。