Summary "Titanium-containing formulation, method of preparing the titanium-containing formulation and use of the titanium-containing formulation in plant cultivation", which according to the present invention is a titanium-containing formulation characterized in that it comprises product of the formation of titanium complexes from titanyl sulphate with a mixture of ascorbic acid and citric acid in an aqueous environment alkalized with magnesium hydroxide, in the simultaneous presence of acetic acid, in the magnesium mass ratio (calculated as mgo) and titanium from 1: 1 to 20: 1; between ascorbic acid and citric acid from 5: 1 to 3: 5, preferably 2: 1; between ascorbic acid and titanium from 7: 2 to 10: 1, preferably 4: 1 to 6: 1; and between magnesium hydroxide (calculated as mgo) and acetic acid (calculated as 100% acetic acid), from 8: 1 to 3: 5. The formulation containing liquid titanium has a ph of 2.5 to 5.5. In liquid form, the formulation preferably contains from 2 to 25 g of Ti / l and magnesium to 170 g of Mg / l. On the other hand, the powder formulation obtained by drying the liquid form comprises titanium up to 65 gm t / kg and magnesium up to 200 g mt / kg. Also described in the specification of the present invention is a method of preparing the titanium-containing formulation and the use of the titanium-containing formulation in cultivation as a plant growth stimulant. 1/1 1/1resumo “formulação que contém titânio, método de preparação de formulação que contém titânio e uso da formulação que contém titânio no cultivo de plantas”, que segundo a presente invenção, trata-se de uma formulação que contém titânio e que é caracterizada por compreender o produto da formação de complexos de titânio a partir de sulfato de titanila com uma mistura de ácido ascórbico e ácido cítrico em um ambiente aquoso alcalinizado com hidróxido de magnésio, na presença simultânea de ácido acético, na razão em massa entre magnésio (calculado como mgo) e titânio de 1:1 a 20:1; ent