Compounds related to isoxazolidina derivatives; compounds containing these compounds and pharmacological combinations for the prevention and/or treatment of diseases related to the reduction of the number, activity or movement of cells involved in inflammation Propellers, asthma and Epoc.
Compounds derived from isoxazolidina; Composition and Pharmaceutical Combination which comprises, useful for the Prevention and / or treatment of diseases related to the reduction in the quantity, activity, or the Movement of the cells involved in inflammation, disease re Spiratorias, Asthma and COPD.<;p>;COMPUESTOS QUÍ;MICOS DERIVADOS DE ISOXAZOLIDINA DE FÓ;RMULA GENERAL (IN) QUE PRESENTAN ACTIVIDAD ANTIINFLAMATORIA Y ANTIALÉ;RGICA; COMPOSICION Y COMBINACION FARMACEUTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE, UTIL PARA LA PREVENCION Y/O EL TRATAMIENTO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES RELACIONADAS CON LA REDUCCION EN LA CANTIDAD, LA ACTIVIDAD O EL MOVIMIENTO DE LAS CELULAS QUE PARTICIPAN EN LA INFLAMACION, ENFERMEDADES RESPIRATORIAS, ASMA Y EPOC.<;/p>;