Ситников Александр Андреевич (RU),Сороченко Сергей Фёдорович (RU),Дрюк Виктор Андреевич (RU),Суворов Сергей Александрович (RU),Шишин Михаил Юрьевич (RU),Ферапонтов Сергей Геральдович (RU),Гуревич Вале
The invention relates to agricultural production. Combined sowing machine comprises a frame for supporting wheels with a connecting device on which are fixed the working bodies with devices for drilling under these seeds and granular fertilizers, with a two-compartment hopper for seed and granular fertilizers, coupled with the sowing machines and vas deferens, packer working bodies . It is provided with a hopper for granular organic fertilizer disposed within an inclined screw conveyor, contacting the unloading tray with the nozzle placed in the loading mouth of the mixer, formed as a tank with a ribbon stirrer, consisting of outer and inner bands, said outer band is formed in two parts the left and right direction of the winding and an inner ribbon made of two parts with right and left direction of winding. Capacity is connected through a pump to the lower end of the elastic tube whose upper end is placed into the charging mouth of the mixer. When this hopper for granular organic fertilizer, the mixer and the container mounted on a chassis connected with the connecting device frame. A dispenser is in the form of sectional metering pump, which sections are connected to suction flexible conduits to the mixer, and feeding flexible conduits associated with the nozzles for feeding liquid manure, each working body fixed at the front to a device for the simultaneous seeding under it seeds and granular fertilizer is provided with rigidly fixed subsurface and outer Prutkov earthing devices. Using the proposed utility model extends the scope of the unit. 7 yl.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному производству. Комбинированный посевной агрегат содержит раму на опорных колесах с присоединительным устройством, на которой закреплены рабочие органы с устройствами для высева под них семян и сыпучих минеральных удобрений, бункер с двумя отсеками для семян и сыпучих минеральных удобрений, соединенный с высевающими аппаратами и семяпроводами, прикатывающие рабочие органы.