Method for promoting growth of weakened pear trees, involves providing number of bore holes in region of crown eaves of to-be treated trees, and introducing mycor tree injectable medium into bore holes by compressed air in diluted manner
Verfahren zur Wachstumsförderung von geschwächten Bäumen, wobei dass im Bereich der Kronentaufe des zu behandelnden Baumes eine Vielzahl von Bohrlöchern vorgesehen werden und in diese Bohrlöcher mittels Pressluft das Mittel „Mycor Tree Injectable” verdünnt angebracht wird.The method involves providing a number of bore holes in a region of crown eaves of to-be treated trees. A mycor tree injectable medium is introduced into the bore holes by compressed air in a diluted manner. Dilution is formed such that 1.5 kilogram of the mycor tree injectable medium is dissolved in 800 to 1600 liter of water. The diluted medium is introduced in an amount of approximately 1.5 liters per bore hole. The mycor tree injectable medium is introduced into a soil with a turbojet air lance of spindler MTM type and RW 45 type.