FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to labour medicine, and can be applied for predicting risk of development of diseases of respiratory organs in people subjected to impact of microbiological factor. For this purpose, sampling of air from working zone of workers, subjected to impact of microbiological factor and sampling of air from working zone of workers of the same enterprise, who are not subjected to impact of said factor, are performed. After that, said samples are inoculated on nutritional medium. Total number of microorganisms in air samples is determined by calculation of grown colonies (total microbiological number). After that, index of microbiological risk is calculated as ratio of total microbial number in air of working zone of workers, subjected to impact of microbiological factor, to total microbial number in air of working zone of workers of the same enterprise, who are not subjected to impact of said factor. If value of said index is lower than 1.9, risk of development of diseases of respiratory organs is estimated as low. If index value is from 2.0 to 4.9, risk is estimated as medium. If values are from 5.0 to 6.9, risk is estimated as high. If index is higher than 6.9, risk is considered to be very high.EFFECT: method makes it possible to perform reliable prediction of development of pathology of respiratory organs in people subjected to impact of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms in case of absence of other risk factors, at the stage of premorbid changes.2 cl, 4 ex, 2 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к медицине труда, и может быть использовано для прогнозирования риска развития болезней органов дыхания у лиц, подвергающихся воздействию микробиологического фактора. Для этого проводят забор проб воздуха рабочей зоны работников, подвергающихся воздействию микробиологического фактора и проб воздуха рабочей зоны работников того же предприятия, не подвергающихся воздействию такого фактора. Далее дела