Bionic prosthesis of the hand is intended for prosthetics of disabled people with a degree of amputation from the hand to the forearm. The prosthesis control microcontroller processes incoming bioelectric control signals in accordance with the specified processing algorithm parameters. The prosthesis has two control modes with different gripping patterns. The strength and speed of the grip of the hand are set in proportion to the level of the incoming bioelectric control signal. Flexion-extension of each finger produce electric drives with a worm gear. The first finger contains two phalanges. The second to fifth fingers contain three phalanges. The base of the first finger is fixed in various positions of bringing to the palm. Each finger takes its position in the shape of the held object with a control of the degree of pressure on the surface of the object. Control drivers control finger flexion electric drives with current control. The surface displacement sensor of the prosthesis-held item enhances the grip force to prevent slipping of the held-up item. It contains interfaces for receiving bioelectric control signals, network interfaces for wired and wireless communication with external devices, input / output devices for displaying and setting prosthesis functions, finger bending angle sensors, strain gauge gripping force sensors, a drive for locking the swivel base of the first finger, and a power supply device.Бионический протез кисти руки предназначен для протезирования инвалидов со степенью ампутации от кисти до предплечья. Микроконтроллер управления протезом обрабатывает поступающие биоэлектрические сигналы управления в соответствии с заданными параметрами алгоритма обработки. Протез имеет два режима управления с различными шаблонами схватов. Сила и скорость схвата кисти установлены в пропорциональную зависимость от величины уровня поступающего биоэлектрического сигнала управления. Сгибание-разгибание каждого пальца производят электроприводы с червячной пер