This creation is a kind of related ear suspension type protective face mask of what,Owner wants what to wear its group of stile two sides of part and is articulated with ear mount,And it is provided with elastic slice on the outside of what ear mount,And it is formed with grasping part between what elastic slice and the ear mount,So that matte two sides are planted in what,And the fixed block by setting what elastic slice supports tug positioning,Thereby,When matte is dirty to be replaced,User, which need only exert a force, is extracted matte out by the grasping part of ear mount and elastic slice,Matte can be removed,New matte is planted to the grasping part of what ear mount and elastic slice again,Matte replacement can be completed,Accordingly,Convenience is replaced in order to matte is effectively improved,MeanwhileMatte can substantially be shortened and change the time,Whens preventing matte from attaching sufferer droplet and secretion etc.,User is infected probability person.本創作係有關於一種掛耳式防護面罩,係主要於配戴件其組立框兩側樞接有耳架,並於耳架外側連設有彈片,且於彈片與該耳架間形成有夾持空間,以供遮片兩側插置於內,並由設於彈片處之固定塊抵掣定位,藉此,當遮片髒污欲進行更換時,使用者只須施力將遮片由耳架與彈片之夾持空間抽出,便可將遮片取下,再將新遮片插置於耳架與彈片之夾持空間,即可完成遮片更換,據此,俾有效提高遮片更換便利性,同時,可大幅縮短遮片拆換時間,以防止遮片沾附病患飛沫與分泌物等時,使用者被感染機率者。