PURPOSE: An insect collection trap is provided to collect insects by using trait of insects with an inferior flying ability. CONSTITUTION: An insect collection trap comprises a bait plate, a discharge unit, a shield plate, and a connection unit. The bait plate(110) is arranged to cross each other. The discharge unit(130) discharges an attractive substance inducing insects. The shield plate(120) prevents rain water from flowing in a collector. The connection part(200) includes an opening of which cross section diminishes toward the collector from the bait plate.곤충채집트랩이 개시된다. 상하로 연장되는 유인판; 및 유인판에 부딪혀 낙하하는 곤충을 수용하는 채집부를 포함하는 곤충채집트랩은, 비행능력이 낮은 곤충의 행동특성을 이용하여, 그러한 곤충을 채집할 수 있다.