Introduction: Available maxillofacial impression techniques are time consuming to both operator and patient. Invention of individual prefabricated maxillofacial stock tray is a step to simplify and standardize the impression making procedure for preoperative evaluation for reconstructive procedures and fabrication of ocular and orbital prosthesis. The purpose of this tray to reduce the steps of making impression which are cumbersome and time consuming for both patient and clinician. Method: Patient was selected on the basis of their surface area of orbital region and impression was made with the help of conventional method and master cast was obtained. Subsequent adaptation of wax and fabrications of anatomical ocular-orbital stock tray was achieved. Result: anatomical ocular-orbital stock tray is designed and developed for preoperative evaluation and making impression of ocular and orbital region for fabrication of ocular-orbital prosthesis. Conclusion: This innovative anatomical ocular-orbital stock tray helpful in making an impression of ocular-orbital defects which is simple, efficient, less time consuming and it eliminates some of the shortcomings of other techniques.