A method of checking the adjustment situation of an adopted leg with what,The justice leg has an adopted knee joint,The justice knee joint is interconnected into pivotable mode for side connector on one and a shank are dry,Justice leg is fixed on an assembly artifucial limb person by side connector with what on this,The dry fixed justice foot of the shank,Wherein the connector on the upside of this can be shifted with respect to the kneed joint shaft of the what justice,Wherein: the knee torque for using artifucial limb via sensor and axial forces measurement,Thus material computation goes out a resultant force vector,And the normal distance of opposite what joint shaft and resultant force vector are calculated with respect to the position of what joint shaft and check whether the resultant force vector potential in front of the joint shaft or in the sagittal plane of Hou side and away from joint shaft how far. Additionally close the device that one kind especially implements the method with what, wherein, connector means are supported on the top in a manner of it can move in sagittal plane between an adopted knee joint top and a thigh are dry, and are located on a connector adaptor or on the top with the device that detects knee strength or strength.一種用於檢查一義腿的調整狀況的方法,該義腿有一義膝關節,該義膝關節將一上側接頭與一小腿幹互相連接成可樞轉的方式,該上側接頭用於將該義腿固定在一裝配義肢者身上,該小腿幹上固定著一義足,其中該上側的接頭可相對於該義膝關節的一關節軸移位,其中:經由感測器將義肢使用的膝力矩及一軸向力量測量,由此資料計算出一合力向量,且將相對於關節軸的法向距離以及合力向量相對於關節軸的位置計算出並檢查是否該合力向量位在該關節軸前方或後方的矢狀面中以及距關節軸多遠。此外還關於一種特別用於實施此方法的裝置,其中,接頭手段在一義膝關節上部及一大腿幹之間以可在矢狀面中移動的方式支承在該上部上,且用於檢出膝力量或力量的裝置設在一接頭承接器上或在該上部上。