A method for producing a medical porous metallic material as alternative to load-bearing bone tissue comprises: mixing tantalum powder with ammonium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide and forming agent (one or more of stearic acid, zinc stearate, paraffin wax and synthetic resin), then forming by pressing, degreasing, sintering, cooling and heat treating. The step of forming by pressing is pressing the mixture into a polymeric sponge under a pressure of 50 to 100MPa. The degreasing is gradually heating to 400 to 800℃ with a heating rate of 0.3℃/min to 2℃/min under argon gas as protective atmosphere and keeping at the temperature for 300 min to360 min. The sintering comprises heating to 1500 to 1800℃ with a heating rate of 10 to 20℃/min under a vacuum of 10-4Pa to 10-3Pa, keeping at the temperature for 120 to 240min, cooling to 200 to 300℃ in furnace, then heating to 1500 to1800℃ with a heating rate of 10 to 20℃/min, keeping at the temperature for 180 to 240min, heating to 2000 to 2200℃ with a rate of 5 to 10℃/min and keeping at the temperature for 120 to 360 min. The method can effectively solve the contradiction between requirement of large porosity and requirement of good mechanical properties required by medical porous tantalum material as alternative to load-bearing part. The material is very suitable for being used as medical implant material as alternative to load-bearing bone tissue.La présente invention se rapporte à un procédé de production dun matériau métallique poreux médical comme alternative à un tissu osseux supportant une charge, ledit procédé consistant à : mélanger de la poudre de tantale au bicarbonate dammonium ou au peroxyde dhydrogène et un agent de façonnage (un ou plusieurs éléments parmi lacide stéarique, le stéarate de zinc, la cire de paraffine et une résine synthétique), façonner ensuite par pressage, dégraissage, frittage, refroidissement et traitement thermique. Létape de façonnage par pressage consiste à presser le mélange dans une épong