The present invention relates to an apparatus for estimating central aortic blood pressures. The apparatus comprises a pressure cuff; a signal record and storage unit capturing a pressure oscillometric waveform from the pressure cuff and storing the waveform; and an operation and analysis unit obtaining a set of values from the waveform, wherein the values includes a pressure value of the late systolic shoulder produced by wave reflections, an end-systolic pressure value, an area under the waveform during systole, an area under the waveform during diastole, a pressure value at end-diastole, and a heart rate, and respectively substituting the set of values for corresponding control variables in a linear regression equation to obtain a central aortic blood pressure value, wherein the linear regression equation has a central aortic blood pressure as a dependent variable and has a pressure of the late systolic shoulder produced by wave reflections, an end-systolic pressure, an area under the waveform during systole, an area under the waveform during diastole, a pressure at end-diastole, and a heart rate as the control variables.本發明係提供一種中央動脈血壓估計裝置。該裝置包含:一壓脈帶;一訊號紀錄及儲存單元,擷取並儲存該壓脈帶內一壓力振盪波形;以及一運算及分析單元,根據該壓力振盪波形以得到一組數值,其中該組數值包括一波形反射造成收縮期波形之第二峰值、一末期收縮壓、一收縮期波形下面積、一舒張壓期波形下面積、一舒張壓及一心率,並將該組數值分別代入一線性迴歸方程式對應之控制變數而得到一中央動脈之壓力值,其中該線性迴歸方程式係以一中央動脈血壓為應變數,又以波形反射造成收縮期波形之第二峰值、收縮壓期末之收縮壓、收縮期波形下面積、舒張壓期波形下面積、舒張壓及心率為該等控制變數。