A medical device including an outer housing (400) having a first wall defining a first passage (402) with proximal and distal ends, a retraction housing (412) slidably received in the first passage (402), having the housing of retraction (412) proximal and distal ends and a wall with an inner surface wall that defines a helical path (421), a carriage (422) to detachably receive a medical sharp object (423), the carriage (422) slidably being received in the distal end of the retraction housing (412), a retaining means (428) for retaining the carriage (422) in a first position in the retraction housing (412), a follower (432) connected to the carriage (422) and engaged with the helical path (421), a stored energy device (434) connected to the follower (432) and the carriage (422), where the device is characterized in that the outer housing (400) and drive means (419) can or work to move the retraction housing (412) towards the distal end of the first step (402), thereby releasing the retention means (428) such that the stored energy device (434) can function to drive the follower (432) along the helical path (421) and to remove the carriage (422) towards the proximal end of the retraction housing (412).Un dispositivo médico incluyendo un alojamiento exterior (400) que tiene una primera pared que define un primer paso (402) con extremos próximo y distal, un alojamiento de retracción (412) recibido deslizantemente en el primer paso (402), teniendo el alojamiento de retracción (412) extremos próximo y distal y una pared con una pared de superficie interior que define un recorrido helicoidal (421), un carro (422) para recibir soltablemente un objeto punzante médico (423), recibiéndose deslizantemente el carro (422) en el extremo distal del alojamiento de retracción (412), un medio de retención (428) para retener el carro (422) en una primera posición en el alojamiento de retracción (412), un seguidor (432) conectado al carro (422) y enganchado con el recorrido helicoidal