A sleeve includes a body having a top opening. The body covers a handheld oximeter probe or a portion of the probe. The sleeve has a shape that approximately matches the oximeter probe or portion of the probe, which is covered by the sleeve. The sleeve has a top opening that allows a user to slide the oximeter probe into the sleeve. The sleeve is transparent to radiation emitted and collected by the oximeter probe. The sleeve is formed of a material that prevents patient tissue, fluid, viruses, bacteria, and fungus from contacting the covered portions of the oximeter probe. The sleeve leaves the probe relatively sterile after use so that little or no clearing of the probe is required for a subsequent use, such as when the probe is covered with a new, unused sleeve.套筒包括本體,其具有頂部開口。本體覆蓋手持血氧計探針或部分的探針。套筒所具有的形狀近似匹配於由套筒所覆蓋的血氧計探針或部分的探針。套筒具有頂部開口,其允許使用者將血氧計探針滑入套筒中。套筒對於由血氧計探針所發射和收集的輻射是透明的。套筒是由避免病人組織、體液、病毒、細菌、真菌接觸血氧計探針之覆蓋部分的材料所形成。套筒讓探針在使用後保持為相對無菌的,如此則例如當探針是由未使用的新套筒所覆蓋時,則探針的後續使用需要極少的清潔或不需清潔。