The utility model which relates to the production of natural vinegar from cacao beans sweating during fermentation following the procedure: (a) harvesting of ripe cacao pods; (b) washing the cacao pods thoroughly; (c) breaking the pods and scooping the seeds; (d) pouring the 10 kg fresh beans to the fermentation box; (e) covering the fermentation box with banana leaves and jute sack; (t) collecting of cacao beans sweating using a clean container with cover; (g) filtering and pouring of the collected cacao beans sweating in the sterilized clean bottle; (h) pasteurizing of the bottle filled with sweating; (i) simmering of the bottle with sweating for 30 minutes in a low fire; (j) Cooling and filtering the simmered bottle with sweating; (k) pouring of the filtered sweating into sterilized wen tight bottle and store in a undisturbed dark spot.