Мазалов Алексей Витальевич (RU),Процко Виктор Геннадьевич (RU),Султанов Эльмар Маисович (RU),Хамоков Заур Хамидович (RU)
The invention relates to medical devices and can be used in the manufacture of prosthetic and orthopedic products. Preform for individual orthopedic insoles cut from the flat material of the stack a form fitted on an inner side of the arc-shaped protrusion to support the internal longitudinal arch of the patients foot and having the opportunity to take the form of arches patients feet after preheating to a plastic state, subsequent placing and fixing thereon the patients foot , by modeling of the patients foot and holding until complete solidification, and subsequently maintaining the imparted shape, it is further provided with a rkasnym element of thermoformable material, the side edges of which are made in form and along the sides of the workpiece, thus, the frame member has a main portion and a lingulate projection, wherein, the rear edge of the main portion frame member is located at a distance L1 from the foremost rear point of the frame element to rear edge blanks for individual orthopedic insole, that is from 0.1 to 0.25 of its total length L, the length of the main part of the length of the frame element L2 is from up 0,35L 0,50L, a lingulate the first projection has a longitudinally elongated shape, is formed at the front side of the inner edge of the main portion frame member a width of 0.25 to 0.30 of the maximum width of the frame member and the front edge of the tongue-shaped protrusion ends at the joint line mezhflangovogo pore toe. 1 yl.Полезная модель относятся к изделиям медицинского назначения и может быть использована при изготовлении протезно-ортопедических изделий. Заготовка для индивидуальной ортопедической стельки, вырезанная из плоского материала по форме стопы, снабженная на внутренней стороне дугообразным выступом для поддержки внутреннего продольного свода стопы пациента и имеющая возможность принимать форму сводов стопы пациента после предварительного разогрева до пластического состояния, последующего размещения и фиксации на ней стопы па